Terrorism And Political Risk Insurance

Terrorism, war and Political Risk exposures are increasing every day, and many industries face the serious threat of such incidents. KR Insurance Services offers coverage that will protect many types of businesses operating throughout the world. Terrorism and wider political violence policies are designed to pick up the gaps left behind by exclusions in property policies.Terrorism, war and Political Risk exposures are increasing every day, and many industries face the serious threat of such incidents. KR Insurance Services offers coverage that will protect many types of businesses operating throughout the world. Terrorism and wider political violence policies are designed to pick up the gaps left behind by exclusions in property policies..

Main Cover / Terrorism And Political Risk Insurance

Terrorism and political violence insurance covers an insured against physical loss and damage, as well as business interruption costs, as a result of a terrorist act or acts of political violence.

Political Risk refers to the negative consequences that result from the action or inaction of government. It is usually highest in developing countries where the economy or politics are unstable. Political Risk Insurance can mitigate the negative impact of these risks, and assist companies to grow their businesses.

Major exclusions are -

  • Loss or damage arising from nuclear, chemical, biological or radiological (NCBR) attacks, although limited and expensive capacity is available upon request .
  • Loss or damage caused by confiscation, nationalization, or any result of any order of public or government authority which deprives the insured of the use or value of its property
  • Loss or damage by electronic means: cyber / computer hacking, although as with NCBR coverage, there are standalone products being developed .
  • Business interruption as a result of a threat or hoax. Again, Lloyd’s insurers are working to develop products to fill this gap .
Why KR Insurance Services ?
  • Lowest Quotations
  • Prompt Claim Services .
  • Wide Quote Comparisons .
  • Best Insurance Industry Practices
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