
About Us

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Years Of Experience In The InsuranceIndustry

KR Group At A Glance

Khimji Ramdas Group (KR) is a leading business conglomerate known for delivering quality and innovation for over a century. Starting with humble beginnings in 1870, KR grew steadily to become one of the most trusted and respected brand names in the Sultanate of Oman.

Leading & Trusted Business Conglomerate In The Sultanate Of Oman

Corporate Social Responsibility

Since inception, the Khimji Ramdas group has always sought to contribute to the nation’s socio-economic progress by developing innovative solutions that enhance its support to the community, and empower the people to build a vibrant future for themselves. Guided by the vision of His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Khimji Ramdas Group stands committed to playing an effective role in the sustainable development and inclusive growth of all sections of the society through its structured Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and efforts.


Eshraqa in Arabic means the glow from the rays of the dawn or morning sun, signifying new beginnings and hope. Eshraqa will continue building its legacy on the key pillars of Health, Education and Community Wellbeing which today drives its engagement with the Omani society on a not-for-profit objective.

KR Group Is Committed To Serve

Committed to customer service and excellence

Employs more than 5000 employees spread across Oman.

An annual turnover of more than US $1bn.

Offers world's leading brands in products & services, supported by a high-end distribution and supply chain

Diversified group, with in-depth exposures into Trading, Distribution, Retailing, Insurance, Training, Restaurants and Manufacturing

SAP integrated business process

KR Insurance Milestones

We are here to help you

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Address Office

Khimji Ramdas Insurance Services LLC, Box 19, PC 100, Muscat Sultanate Oman

+968 93879145

