Travel Insurance

Are you stressed out with a hectic daily routine and are looking for a relaxing vacation to kick off some steam? However, you are worried about any incidents during the trip. You might have planned for an international trip to Continental Europe, or the west or any other fabulous location within the GCC. However, you are concerned about any untoward incidents that could happen at the start or during the trip. It could be anything; may be a case of baggage getting lost during the outing, any trip cancellations at the last moment or even the worst - a sudden medical emergency before or during the vacation. How do you handle this situation? -

KR insurance services provide various insurance solutions to cover your travel risk, matching to your needs and budget.

Main Cover / Travel Insurance

Stop worrying and consider KR Insurance Services for providing you with the best travel insurance coverage plan. The travel insurance plan from KR Insurance is designed to ensure that you have an enjoyable and relaxing vacation, no matter what uncertainties happen.

The key features of Travel Insurance are -
  • Shield Cover You For All the Medical Emergencies

    Unfortunate events can happen anytime and the possibility of it being health related is more. Imagine being stranded with your family in a foreign land in such a situation. Make sure you take a wide coverage which takes care of your in-patient and out-patient medical expenses.

  • Cover against loss of Checked Baggage and Loss of Passport

    Imagine the plight of a person who lands in a completely new place only to find out that his baggage has been lost or that of a person who lost his passport while exploring places. You certainly do not want to be stuck in this situation! Make sure you get a travel insurance which provides you with coverage for these things

  • Shield Cover You Against Personal Accident

    It is important to ensure that your travel insurance covers you against bodily injury or death caused due to accidents.

  • Covers You For Trip Cancellation and Curtailment

    Imagine a situation where a family member suddenly falls ill. While your travel arrangements are made, you certainly cannot travel. Ensure that the travel insurance you opt for covers you for such last minute trip curtailment or cancellations

  • Covers You Against a Burglary While You Are Away

    Home burglary happens mostly when no one is at home. Opting for a plan which covers you for a burglary at your home while you're away is a wise decision.

Why KR Insurance Services ?
  • Lowest Quotations .
  • Prompt Claim Services .
  • Wide Quote Comparisons .
  • Best Insurance Industry Practices .
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