Jewellers Block Insurance

Jewellers Block Insurance policy covers loss or damage to jewellery, gold and silver ornaments or plates , pearls, precious stones, cash and currency notes whilst contained in the premises insured, by fire, explosion, lightning, burglary, house breaking, theft, hold up, robbery, riot, strike and malicious damage and terrorism.

As always, our specialist insurance team would be delighted to answer any questions you have on Jewellers Block Insurance cover.

Main Cover / Jewellers Block Insurance

The jewellers Block Policy is an "all risk" coverage, which means that the insurer must specify what is not covered. If a risk is not in the list of exclusions, it is covered. Typical risks that are covered are Burglary, Robbery, Shoplifting, Grab and Run, Trick Loss, Substitution and Accidental Damage, in addition to the usual risks such as Fire. -

Coverage is based on stock at your premises but may be extended to follow your stock almost wherever it goes, including:
  • Jobbers And Outworkers
  • Memo Of Consignment To Other jewellers
  • Bank Or Safety Deposit Boxes .
  • Commission Sales Representatives
  • Travel By Principals Or Employees
  • Shipments
  • Trade Shows And Exhibitions
  • Personal Residences
  • While Being Worn
  • The most important exclusions are Employee Dishonesty, Damage to Goods Being Worked Upon and Mysterious Loss or Unexplained Loss. Most other exclusions can be bought back if required or they are "common sense" exclusions.

Why KR Insurance Services ?
  • Lowest Quotations
  • Prompt Claim Services .
  • Wide Quote Comparisons .
  • Best Insurance Industry Practices
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