Cyber Crime Insurance

Most people have heard of cyber insurance. News of cyber breaches grace the headlines almost weekly these days. But are you really covered for all types of thefts committed using the latest technology? The answer is probably not, especially if you aren’t purchasing crime insurance. Let’s take a look at what you’re covered for under a cyber and crime policy.

KR Insurance Services offers Cyber-insurance solutions to protect businesses and individual users from Internet-based risks, and more generally from risks relating to information technology infrastructure and activities.

Main Cover / Cyber Crime Insurance

Coverage provided by cyber-insurance policies may include - -

  • Data breach liability - for personal & corporate data
  • Data breach costs - including notification costs & IT forensic costs
  • Network security liability - for hacked or compromised systems including denial of service attacks .
  • Media liability - for digital publications
  • Business interruption - caused by a cyber-incident
  • Restoration costs for data & programs - resulting from a cyber-business interruption event
  • Hacker theft cover - based upon theft of funds
  • Business interruption - caused by a cyber-incident
  • E-payment liability - PCI fines and penalties covered
  • KR Insurance services, jointly with world’s leading insurance broker – Willis Towers watson, provides comprehensive cyber insurance covers to their clients supported by the experienced claim settlement team.

    We look forward to provide best in industry cyber insurance solutions to your esteemed organisation.

Why KR Insurance Services ?
  • Lowest Quotations
  • Prompt Claim Services .
  • Wide Quote Comparisons .
  • Best Insurance Industry Practices
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